Product catalogue, 8th edition
The 8th edition of Dyomics product catalogue provides a overview on our portfolio and includes more than ninety fluorescent labels in various modifications including our new UV-MegaStokes dyes and a selection of PEGylated dyes with reduced non-specific binding.
A pdf-copy of our DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 certificate valid until July 2027.
Staining Protocol for DYOBlue and DYOGreen
Staining Protocol for DYOBlue and DYOGreen.
Detailed protocol for the detection of protein mixtures by means of gel electrophoresis, presented at the LiCor user meeting in Lausanne in June 2009.
Application note for DY-680 and DY-780 in protein detection.
Article about Dyomics on the occasion of the companies tenth anniversary.
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