
Publicly funded projects

2024 VFE 0042

Automated 3D-Tumor-on-a-Chip Analysis

Dyomics investigates new fluorescent dyes suitable for the microscopic analysis of living cells on a chip platform. In collaboration with the project partners, organ specific probes based on polymethines with varying heterocycles will be provided and optimized. The probes shall be suitable for multicolour detection in the visible and NIR region. In addition, new fluorophores with an intrinsic sensing fucntion (pH, ionic strength, live/dead) wil be adopted to the platform.

The project is co-financed by the Free State of Thuringia with funds from the European Union under the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

ATHANA - Antifungal Therapeutic Approaches through Nanoparticle based Targeting of APIs

Co-financed by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.


Development of a staining method for the evaluation of  bone vitality during surgery

Dyomics contributes to the project with the design and optimization of red-fluorescent, mitochondria-specific fluorescent dyes based on benzopyrylium- and coumarin-heterocycles for the staining of bone tissue.

 2015 FE 9004

Photon converters based on dye modified oligo- and polysaccharides in nanostructures for optical applications (PolyDye)

It is planned during the course of the project to develop oligo- and polysaccharides equipped with UV-excitable fluorpohores and capable of forming nanostructures. To reach this goal we intend to investigate UV-absorbing heterocycles with emission signals lower than 460 nm. These new photon converters with high quantum yields and sufficient thermal and photochemical stabilities shall allow a covalent modification of oligo- and polysaccharides. The conjugates shall be used as optical whiteners for paper and fibers.

Furthermore, we plan to investigate tailored fluorphores which transform the emission signals of UV-excitable oligo- and polysachaaride based nanoparticles into the region between 460 and 900 nm. These nanoparticles are essential tools for multiplexing in next generation diagnostic applications.

 The results based on this project were supported by the free state of Thuringia under the no. 2015 FE 9004 and co-financed by means of the European Union within the framework of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

Logo Dyomics


Dyomics GmbH
Otto-Schott-Str. 15
07745 Jena


T.: +49 - 3641 - 64 68 64
M.: info@dyomics.com


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