

Absorption / emission max.:

  • 636 nm / 657 nm(in Ethanol)

Molar absorbance:

  • 200.000 M-1cm-1


  • Soluble in methanol, ethanol, DMF, DMSO
  • Bright solid state emission
  • Suitable for microarray experiments,
    FisH microscopy, gel electrophoresis
  • Betainic dye (neutral)
  • DY-630


  • DY-630 Diagram

    DY-630 Diagram

  • DY-630 Structure

    DY-630 Structure


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Available Modifications

Available ModificationsMolecular Weight (g · mol-1)Molecular formulaProductnumberMSDS
Carboxylic acid634.84C36H46N2O6S630-00Download
dUTP1163.78C48H60N5O19P3S * 4Li630-34Download


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